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FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher


Email: tais.grippa@ulb.be
Phone: +32 (0)2 650 68 05
Office: DC6.109
Faculty of Sciences
Solbosch campus - CP 130/06
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 1050 Brussels


Taïs Grippa is a FNRS post doctoral researcher specialized in remote sensing and geospatial analysis. He carried out his PhD on the MAUPP project for which he developed a complete semi-automated framework using Python and GRASS GIS for land use and land cover mapping from very high resolution satellite imagery. Since then, he is working on various projects for the GAG and ANAGEO labs.



Taïs Grippa is involved since 2014 in different teaching activities:

  • He is acting as main teaching assistant (or second depending on the year) for the labs of the Remote Sensing course (GEOG-F-425).
  • He is teaching several geospatial skills to LMIC students coming each year for a 6-month internship: Cartographic projections, GPS/GLONAS, Multicriteria analysis, etc.
  • He was invited in 2019 by Monika Kuffer to teach VHR land cover mapping using GRASS GIS at ITC.
Before starting his researcher journey, Taïs was a Geography teacher in secondary schools in Brussels for 1 year.
Research projects (selection)

2020-2023: Weak AI for Strong LC maps
2019-2020: WALOUS
2019: Has She Access ? (SheDecides)



Updated on January 11, 2022